
Had a dream where I was rehired by the company that abruptly fired me. Hilarious!

Sorry for the long post, but I just couldn't help but share the dream I just had: In the dream, I was rehired by the fintech company that fired me 3 years ago. It was my first day of orientation and I was being shown the ropes by another salesperson who had only been there for a few weeks. (Compared to my 7 years previous.). During the training I asked him lots of questions I already had knowledge to, compared his sales quotas to my previously held ones, and just played along until I'm seated alone at my new open office cubicle. Senior management suddenly walks onto the floor and are actively discussing various problems they are facing in a frenzy, and I'm smiling to myself while listening as I realize not much has changed. The conversation abruptly stops when one of them notices me and asks “Who is that?”…

Sorry for the long post, but I just couldn't help but share the dream I just had:

In the dream, I was rehired by the fintech company that fired me 3 years ago. It was my first day of orientation and I was being shown the ropes by another salesperson who had only been there for a few weeks. (Compared to my 7 years previous.). During the training I asked him lots of questions I already had knowledge to, compared his sales quotas to my previously held ones, and just played along until I'm seated alone at my new open office cubicle.

Senior management suddenly walks onto the floor and are actively discussing various problems they are facing in a frenzy, and I'm smiling to myself while listening as I realize not much has changed. The conversation abruptly stops when one of them notices me and asks “Who is that?” Busted, but I just kept my head down and acted like I was working, despite not yet receiving my log in credentials to my computer. One of the managers, who was the only person I actually knew in reality, recognizes me. Then begins the animated banter between them of who was the one who hired me, how did this happen, and who was going to be the one who would break the news that a mistake had been made? I just sat there listening with a smile on my face, enjoying the whole drama.

A short time later the manager who recognized me comes over and begins the awkward small talk before having to break the news that a mistake was made, I actually had not been hired, and as part of my previous termination, that they hoped I understood, I had no chance of a future there. I then woke up.

Despite being terminated from my sales career, at a job that I had worked for 7 years, being let go right before my vacation time with family. Even after facing the struggles of unemployment, searching for work during the pandemic, and job hopping for a year and trying to figure out what I wanted to do next in life, being fired from that job was the best thing that happened to me.

From that job loss my life totally pivoted. I moved my family out of the city. Bought 160 acres of land and settled in a small Offgrid home where I have started to homestead and am just loving life! Without losing that job, I probably would still be grinding away, living in suburbia, pursuing the next weekend or vacation. Instead I get to enjoy nature, spend more time with family, and do the things I truly enjoy for myself.

Anyway, have a great day everyone and I hope this inspires you, as life is pretty crazy right now. If you're curious about what I'm doing now, check me on Instagram: OngoingOffgrid. Thanks!

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