
For gods sake don’t even think about taking FMLA leave, you’ll be completely shunned

While my employer is inclusive in their public image and want to look good, on the inside they are smelly and rotten. My father had developed alcoholic liver disease and my mother couldn’t handle taking care of him, I took intermittent FMLA and my employer and manager completely turned their attitude around on me when I’m in the office. They started to have a cold demeanor and talk to me like I’m a child. I’ll say this one last time type talk They want to push someone out of the door just because they need time with their family. I know what they’re doing, and it’s mentally draining.

While my employer is inclusive in their public image and want to look good, on the inside they are smelly and rotten.

My father had developed alcoholic liver disease and my mother couldn’t handle taking care of him, I took intermittent FMLA and my employer and manager completely turned their attitude around on me when I’m in the office. They started to have a cold demeanor and talk to me like I’m a child.

I’ll say this one last time type talk

They want to push someone out of the door just because they need time with their family. I know what they’re doing, and it’s mentally draining.

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