
A rant on my current awful boss. Describe awful bosses you’ve had and their characteristics

In my office job I do a bunch of paperwork-related stuff, and this one lady who is one of my bosses, boy…she is just a hot mess. She's one of those older “alpha female” types. SO annoying. She's ALWAYS confused about something (iq must be

In my office job I do a bunch of paperwork-related stuff, and this one lady who is one of my bosses, boy…she is just a hot mess. She's one of those older “alpha female” types. SO annoying. She's ALWAYS confused about something (iq must be <95), even if it's a simple typo. Yet she'll immediately lash out if you show any confusion. She's also said some of the dumbest comments/unsolicited advice I've ever heard.

She seems fairly nice and what-not, but it's a superficial “fake nice”. Punctuated with lots of passive aggressive, irritating micro-aggressions – not enough to throw you off at first, but gradually building up over time. Her emails are way too direct and just stating what she thinks and wants, as if she's the main character in a movie. She makes EVERYTHING way more confusing and inefficient than it needs to be. As if she just wants to give out work for some kind of power play type of thing.

It's not just me either. Poor IT guys spent like hours talking to her on the phone about super basic stuff.

Also, god forbid if you ever make a simple mistake like “let's meet Monday” but Monday is some holiday. She'll passively aggressively let you know Monday is Columbus Day to make you look dumb. Meanwhile she'll make about 100 huge mistakes every day. I usually skirt around the bush, but once in-person I just told her bluntly that I didn't know what she was talking about in an email that was confusingly worded. Not mean, just “can you clarify? I didn't understand.” Her response was to just stare at me blankly in silence, as if to intimidate me or something (ha!). What a laugh. I just returned the blank stare in silence until she started talking.

I'm pretty sure she's caused at least 2 people to quit, even though she's juuuust nice enough to slide below the “obvious asshole” bar, but terrible enough once you've gotten to know her for any real length of time.

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