
I got fired after a flare up of my chronic illness

I have been sick for a week and had to take 2 days off when I went to the ER for abdominal pain and basically non stop shitting. I'm still sick and they still have no clue wtf is wrong with me. I told my boss from the get go, at the interview, that I am chronically ill and that it would effect my ability to work at times. She hired me knowing this and after 2 sick days from my illness I get fired. She fired me two seconds after giving her my doctor's note after working a whole shift. Bitch could have atleast fired me at the beginning of the day so I could start my recovery from the stress sooner. How do these fuckers expect me to pay my medical bills when I can't keep a job from my illness, but I don't qualify for disability and…

I have been sick for a week and had to take 2 days off when I went to the ER for abdominal pain and basically non stop shitting. I'm still sick and they still have no clue wtf is wrong with me. I told my boss from the get go, at the interview, that I am chronically ill and that it would effect my ability to work at times. She hired me knowing this and after 2 sick days from my illness I get fired. She fired me two seconds after giving her my doctor's note after working a whole shift. Bitch could have atleast fired me at the beginning of the day so I could start my recovery from the stress sooner. How do these fuckers expect me to pay my medical bills when I can't keep a job from my illness, but I don't qualify for disability and I don't fucking want to go on disability. I want to be well enough to work.

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