
I got robbed and have no window in my car but my job is guilting me to come into work

I work as a pharmacy tech in a hospital. i work overnights and i am the only tech who works that shift. my job is currently a shitshow since we have three technicians who call out at least once a week and everyone knows they are lying about why and usually call about 25 minutes before their shift to say they will not be coming in. I was 5 hours away this weekend and someone broke into my car, stole all my stuff that was hidden and smashed my passenger side window in the process. I had to tape garbage bags to my window so i could get my car home and i have an appointment to get it fixed wednesday. i told my job this and said i wouldn’t be able to come in for one single shift since i have no window and was the victim of a…

I work as a pharmacy tech in a hospital. i work overnights and i am the only tech who works that shift. my job is currently a shitshow since we have three technicians who call out at least once a week and everyone knows they are lying about why and usually call about 25 minutes before their shift to say they will not be coming in. I was 5 hours away this weekend and someone broke into my car, stole all my stuff that was hidden and smashed my passenger side window in the process. I had to tape garbage bags to my window so i could get my car home and i have an appointment to get it fixed wednesday. i told my job this and said i wouldn’t be able to come in for one single shift since i have no window and was the victim of a crime and they ignored me for most of the day. at 9pm my bosses boss called me saying that she heard what happened and i should ask someone to drive me to work and pick me up or someone who i work with will come get me and drive me home because “they really need me to come in and there’s no one to cover for me”. i live 40 minutes from my job and work 9pm to 7am, there’s no one i know who will drive me and pick me up and i do not want any of my coworkers coming to my home and honestly no one i work with would be willing to do that. i have called out once in the year i have worked here. this energy is new since they would never expect anyone else to do this, and they let my coworkers call out multiple times a week and they don’t even get disciplined for it. i am very aware that your employer does not care about you, and i do not care about any employer but this has made me incredibly upset. i have been planning on leaving at the end of this year but i don’t know if i can last that long at this point. i’m not sure what i can even do other than either go to work somehow or not go and then i will definitely be talked to about how that’s not appropriate since i was given multiple options to get to work and i declined the.

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