
i need help/advice/to rant

i apologize in advance for the length. so, i work as a detailer at {insert car rental company here} i am the sole opener and i get in at 5:30a, sometimes 6am. when i get there, i have to walk across the parking lot to unlock fuel pump. i also refill all the bottles in our 4 stations that are empty as night shift ends at 1am and they just wanna go home. i don’t blame them. each station has 2 sanitizing bottles, 1 deodorizer, 1 glass cleaner and 1 misc (could be carpet cleaner or multipurpose spray) i also have to refill the other things we need like 3 kinds of paper things we need to put in the car and a thing of clorox wipes. i then also have to empty the dirty rag bin at each station. here’s the problem: i live in alaska. walking to the…

i apologize in advance for the length.

so, i work as a detailer at {insert car rental company here} i am the sole opener and i get in at 5:30a, sometimes 6am. when i get there, i have to walk across the parking lot to unlock fuel pump.
i also refill all the bottles in our 4 stations that are empty as night shift ends at 1am and they just wanna go home. i don’t blame them. each station has 2 sanitizing bottles, 1 deodorizer, 1 glass cleaner and 1 misc (could be carpet cleaner or multipurpose spray) i also have to refill the other things we need like 3 kinds of paper things we need to put in the car and a thing of clorox wipes. i then also have to empty the dirty rag bin at each station.

here’s the problem: i live in alaska. walking to the pump is grueling coz it’s snowing now.. i have to fill the bay w dirty cars so they thaw out. i also have to park them in the bay so they dry enough that it doesn’t freeze outside. the bay holds 8 dirties and 2 cleans. also, living in alaska means the cars are DIRTY. and i mean caked on mud, dust, sometimes dog hair and a lot of crumbs and gravel.

we are expected to do 2-3 cars per hour, and i’m averaging 10 per shift (9h coz i don’t take a lunch)
my manager has voiced to my lead that i’m slow and my average needs to be higher. but there’s just no way to vacuum, clean the windows and sanitize the insides plus refill the windshield wiper fluid in 15-20m.
i mean, i could just half ass it and fail my audits. 5 failed audits result in a write up. my lead, the godsend that she is, told our manager that she’s not gonna push me coz i’m doing my job correctly and i’m going through some shit. my grandparents died a couple of months ago, and my uncle lost his battle w leukemia two days ago, plus marriage problems. despite all this, i still show up to work coz if i call out for grieve my uncle, it will be considered unexcused.

i feel like i’m being set up to fail. 2-3 cars per hour plus my opening duties in the freezing cold bay with half of denali inside the car should be considered when she looks at my 10 cars per shift. this doesn’t even include shuttling the clean cars up to the airport- which we sometimes have to do.

i can’t talk to my HR about it coz he’s close to my manager. i need advice. what can i do or where can i report this? i was thinking of reporting to ethics but i’m not sure it’s the right avenue. any advice?

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