
Job boards inflated salaries

Hello, I was looking at posts on another subreddit and it was for a developer job paying a ridiculously low salary. Cynically, I suspect that some companies/recruiters post these jobs to drag down perceived salaries. Do you think this is the case? Do you think that if there’s a way to post jobs with artificially inflated salaries, it will provide some leverage to the laborforce? Ex, put pricing pressures on employers? What are the downsides?

I was looking at posts on another subreddit and it was for a developer job paying a ridiculously low salary. Cynically, I suspect that some companies/recruiters post these jobs to drag down perceived salaries. Do you think this is the case?
Do you think that if there’s a way to post jobs with artificially inflated salaries, it will provide some leverage to the laborforce? Ex, put pricing pressures on employers? What are the downsides?

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