
Been out sick and it’s been heaven

Woke up sick at the end of last week, got a doctor's note saying I needed to be out until the 16th (bronchitis) and i literally feel no stress at all. I'm just watching mindless TV, sleeping, eating soup if I can, and showering. Aside from feeling like I'll never stop coughing violently… it's been absolutely wonderful. I of course have to act sad around my family but it's been a nice break from absolute fucking stress and crippling social anxiety.

Woke up sick at the end of last week, got a doctor's note saying I needed to be out until the 16th (bronchitis) and i literally feel no stress at all. I'm just watching mindless TV, sleeping, eating soup if I can, and showering. Aside from feeling like I'll never stop coughing violently… it's been absolutely wonderful.

I of course have to act sad around my family but it's been a nice break from absolute fucking stress and crippling social anxiety.

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