
I’m an hourly worker in Ontario. I’m being told to join a virtual meeting for a performance review on a day I’m not scheduled to work. Should I be being paid for my time?

Genuinely curious. As the title says, I'm an hourly worker from Ontario. On one of my days off, I've just been told that I must be online for a mandatory meeting at 9am. I almost feel like I should be being paid for my time… Am I right in my thoughts? I don't want to say anything to my manager about it until I've consulted others.

Genuinely curious. As the title says, I'm an hourly worker from Ontario. On one of my days off, I've just been told that I must be online for a mandatory meeting at 9am. I almost feel like I should be being paid for my time… Am I right in my thoughts? I don't want to say anything to my manager about it until I've consulted others.

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