
I just got ‘let go’ because new investors wanted to streamline the company

I'm completely at a loss. I've been working at a small company in London, UK for the last year. In that time I've helped the company grow, get great reviews online, build strong relationships with key clients and more. I also thought I had a good relationship with the owner of the company … I guess not. Yesterday was my one-year review and I was hoping for a pay rise, and for more details about getting shares in company, which the owner had promised me at my six month review. Instead, the owner said that the new investors (who came in a week prior) said that the company needs to streamlined, and so I'm being let go. I've basically kept this company going for the last 9 months singlehandedly. I have 4 weeks to find a new job now. No redundancy package. My season ticket loan for the underground will…

I'm completely at a loss.

I've been working at a small company in London, UK for the last year. In that time I've helped the company grow, get great reviews online, build strong relationships with key clients and more. I also thought I had a good relationship with the owner of the company … I guess not.

Yesterday was my one-year review and I was hoping for a pay rise, and for more details about getting shares in company, which the owner had promised me at my six month review. Instead, the owner said that the new investors (who came in a week prior) said that the company needs to streamlined, and so I'm being let go. I've basically kept this company going for the last 9 months singlehandedly.

I have 4 weeks to find a new job now. No redundancy package. My season ticket loan for the underground will also come out of my final pay check. I bought my first flat less than a month ago, so I have a huge mortgage to pay off and no income – a mortgage the owner knew all about.

What the fuck do I do now? I feel like capitalism has chewed me up and spit me out.

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