
Another nightmare “mental health day”

Our institution is hosting a “Mental Health Day” which is NOT a day off, but a day where they are providing popcorn, tie dye, coloring sheets, etc. I don’t imagine my supervisor would even let the staff in our office attend as he’s the type of guy who harps on about “work ethic” and how “soft this generation is.” When will employers ever understand we don’t want pizza parties, we just want to be valued and respected? A true mental health day would not require coming to work and trekking halfway across our campus for a bag of popcorn and 15 minutes of Cornhole.

Our institution is hosting a “Mental Health Day” which is NOT a day off, but a day where they are providing popcorn, tie dye, coloring sheets, etc. I don’t imagine my supervisor would even let the staff in our office attend as he’s the type of guy who harps on about “work ethic” and how “soft this generation is.”
When will employers ever understand we don’t want pizza parties, we just want to be valued and respected? A true mental health day would not require coming to work and trekking halfway across our campus for a bag of popcorn and 15 minutes of Cornhole.

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