
I think I’m about to be fired- they’ve coerced the past several employees before me into quitting to avoid unemployment. Can anyone help me review my contract and know my rights? I’m in TX

Started working for them last week. Was thrown into the field without training and without knowing the software I’m supposed to chart on. I’ve been begging for training time on it so I can get caught up on my charting but they kept throwing more patients at me. I am confident in my patient care, I know I’m making a difference in that aspect. But the legal aspect I agreed to in my contract (like having patient charts updated within 24 hrs of a visit) I’m lacking in due to inadequate training and time. I worked 50 + hrs in 6 days last week when I signed up to work M-F 8-5. I got home after 8pm several of those days and didn’t have time for lunches for half of them. I have chronic kidney disease stage 2 and suspected autoimmune. If I push too hard I get sick, and…

Started working for them last week. Was thrown into the field without training and without knowing the software I’m supposed to chart on. I’ve been begging for training time on it so I can get caught up on my charting but they kept throwing more patients at me. I am confident in my patient care, I know I’m making a difference in that aspect. But the legal aspect I agreed to in my contract (like having patient charts updated within 24 hrs of a visit) I’m lacking in due to inadequate training and time. I worked 50 + hrs in 6 days last week when I signed up to work M-F 8-5. I got home after 8pm several of those days and didn’t have time for lunches for half of them.

I have chronic kidney disease stage 2 and suspected autoimmune. If I push too hard I get sick, and I let them know this. While trying to be a team player, I set myself up to fail by not having boundaries and accepting the patient load. They said they’d help me with chatting but haven’t.

Now I’m home sick for the week, doctors orders. I was going to try to figure out the charting once I’m not short of breath just walking to the bathroom so I could catch up before I go back in on Monday.

Now HR wants to have paperwork filled out before work on Monday, which is what they told the girl who quit last week… before her meeting they told me she was being fired. After her meeting she left crying and they said she admitted to not being able to do it, so she quit, wasn’t fired, and they don’t have to pay unemployment.

I’m already applying for part time positions in the area, I’m just scared and upset and that’s exacerbated by being sick. This job, the income and their vision for the patients was a game changer for me. Life changing income. I see now how so many patients have fallen through the cracks with them and it’s a burden on my soul that this is happening.

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