
Work asking me to come in office that is $40/day

I accepted a job in a different state and one of the biggest issues I had about accepting the job is that I don't have a car so commuting would be a pain. Recruiter reassured me that there is a shuttle from my state that will take me into the office. What he failed to mention there is no shuttle service on Fridays and that the shuttle wasn't meant to be used for commuting in the first place. So I told me manager that I can't come in on Fridays but he knows that I met up with someone nearby after work and took the train from a station in an adjacent town so there IS a way for me to come in. The issue is that it is a huge hassle. First of all, round-trip is $42, which includes uber, train and subway and it is also a 4+…

I accepted a job in a different state and one of the biggest issues I had about accepting the job is that I don't have a car so commuting would be a pain. Recruiter reassured me that there is a shuttle from my state that will take me into the office. What he failed to mention there is no shuttle service on Fridays and that the shuttle wasn't meant to be used for commuting in the first place.

So I told me manager that I can't come in on Fridays but he knows that I met up with someone nearby after work and took the train from a station in an adjacent town so there IS a way for me to come in.

The issue is that it is a huge hassle. First of all, round-trip is $42, which includes uber, train and subway and it is also a 4+ hr commute. My commute is already technically 4 hrs on shuttle days (I don't wanna talk about it) but it is less of a hassle cause don't need to think about an uber and it costs me just $6 ish.

Anyway, there is a workshop for my department that he wants me to attend in person, which I get, BUT I really want to set boundaries how it isn't feasible for me to come in when shuttle service isn't running. One thing I'd like to mention is that we are supposed to come in 3 days a week but he has let me be flexible with 2…so I want to be flexible as well but not at that price point or stress.

Would like advice on how to navigate this sticky situation.

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