
The best thing to ever happen

A couple of weeks ago I was fired from my shi**y restaurant job. I was a manager, and every day I felt the life drain just a bit more from me. Being fired, of course, sucked. I've never been fired before. The week off was horrible. Wondering if I'll ever find a job, as it seemed my old boss was going to ruin every opportunity, even when I checked “don't contact previous employer”. But I found a job. Outside of restaurants, but still kitchen work, just inside of a nursing home. I manage the dietary side. My stress level is at a normal pace. My boss is NICE. My workers do their jobs, and I work with them to ensure the residents are cared for. It's a lot slower paced, so I have time to get to get to know the workers and residents and still get the job done.…

A couple of weeks ago I was fired from my shi**y restaurant job. I was a manager, and every day I felt the life drain just a bit more from me. Being fired, of course, sucked. I've never been fired before. The week off was horrible. Wondering if I'll ever find a job, as it seemed my old boss was going to ruin every opportunity, even when I checked “don't contact previous employer”.

But I found a job. Outside of restaurants, but still kitchen work, just inside of a nursing home. I manage the dietary side. My stress level is at a normal pace. My boss is NICE. My workers do their jobs, and I work with them to ensure the residents are cared for. It's a lot slower paced, so I have time to get to get to know the workers and residents and still get the job done.

I feel free.

It's a little less money (really, just 2 dollars less an hour), but I honestly think this was the best thing to ever happen to me. F*** corporations like fast food restaurants who fire over petty shite. I'll never even go in to eat there.

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