
A Soft Let Go

Hey everybody! I'm just here to rant, because I think this is actually good for my life overall, but it was a reminder. NEVER GIVE NOTICE OF QUITTING. I was with a company for over a year and had decided it was time to move on. I made my plans in advance (thankfully) and turned in my resignation with 6 weeks notice and plans to prep the time for the next person, close my accounts etc etc. I was immediately fired. They were nice about it, but getting kicked to curb is getting kicked to the curb – I wasn't even invited to clean out my desk. Not that I was foolish enough to keep anything I liked at work. So today's reminder friends. Your boss doesn't give a shit about you, or honestly even productivity. They give a shit about themselves and how they look to their bosses.

Hey everybody!

I'm just here to rant, because I think this is actually good for my life overall, but it was a reminder. NEVER GIVE NOTICE OF QUITTING.

I was with a company for over a year and had decided it was time to move on. I made my plans in advance (thankfully) and turned in my resignation with 6 weeks notice and plans to prep the time for the next person, close my accounts etc etc. I was immediately fired. They were nice about it, but getting kicked to curb is getting kicked to the curb – I wasn't even invited to clean out my desk. Not that I was foolish enough to keep anything I liked at work.

So today's reminder friends. Your boss doesn't give a shit about you, or honestly even productivity. They give a shit about themselves and how they look to their bosses.

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