
How to Get Remote Work Authorization

So my work went remote for 'rona, but they recently ended that and have opted for a new (stupid) blended system where it's one week in office and one week remote – alternating. They've said they will accommodate full remote requests for things such as medical purposes. What are some common reasons one might have to acquire such accommodation? I'm tired of burning gas and lugging a computer up and down several flights of stairs for company “office culture”.

So my work went remote for 'rona, but they recently ended that and have opted for a new (stupid) blended system where it's one week in office and one week remote – alternating.

They've said they will accommodate full remote requests for things such as medical purposes. What are some common reasons one might have to acquire such accommodation? I'm tired of burning gas and lugging a computer up and down several flights of stairs for company “office culture”.

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