
No motivation to work. How am I supposed to overlook my hatred for work in order to enjoy my hobbies?

Title basically explains it but I think I just hate work. I hate a schedule. I hate being relied upon by others. I hate the monotony. It’s honestly ruining my life. I truly believe I am not built to exist in this type of world. I know people say to “work so you can afford to do the things you like”, but I can truly say that I am unable to overlook the fact that I hate working. The worst part is I don’t even have a bad job. I get paid well enough, good benefits, pto, wellness programs, and decent enough coworkers. Even then, the monotony of this lifestyle fucking drains every ounce of life out of me. If I hate it when I have it this good, am I just fucked? I always feel guilty for complaining when I have it better than most, but I’m just so…

Title basically explains it but I think I just hate work. I hate a schedule. I hate being relied upon by others. I hate the monotony. It’s honestly ruining my life. I truly believe I am not built to exist in this type of world.

I know people say to “work so you can afford to do the things you like”, but I can truly say that I am unable to overlook the fact that I hate working. The worst part is I don’t even have a bad job. I get paid well enough, good benefits, pto, wellness programs, and decent enough coworkers. Even then, the monotony of this lifestyle fucking drains every ounce of life out of me.

If I hate it when I have it this good, am I just fucked? I always feel guilty for complaining when I have it better than most, but I’m just so unhappy day in and day out.

Doing tasks for 40 hours a week that bring me no satisfaction sucks. I know I’m not alone in this feeling, but is there anyway to at least tolerate it or do something so I don’t fucking shoot myself before I’m 30?

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