
Over Retail…

I am just so over retail. I’m 23, male, and I simply cannot do it anymore. I’ve worked retail just about all of my working years, and I’ve had my fill. My older family members used to tell me of times when “if a product wasn’t selling….than the product needs to be changed”. That is borderline non-existent anymore. I have worked for shoe companies, mattress companies, and currently cellular companies. Every single one of them is out to get you (the consumer) for every penny you have. What finally did me in today was our store’s recent numbers. Apparently we aren’t doing too good. We are in that spot where our traffic is decent because customers hate the other carriers and locations…but that’s because we don’t do the things they do (meaning certain goals are not met)… I was told today that I (as well as my team), need to…

I am just so over retail. I’m 23, male, and I simply cannot do it anymore. I’ve worked retail just about all of my working years, and I’ve had my fill.

My older family members used to tell me of times when “if a product wasn’t selling….than the product needs to be changed”. That is borderline non-existent anymore. I have worked for shoe companies, mattress companies, and currently cellular companies. Every single one of them is out to get you (the consumer) for every penny you have.

What finally did me in today was our store’s recent numbers. Apparently we aren’t doing too good. We are in that spot where our traffic is decent because customers hate the other carriers and locations…but that’s because we don’t do the things they do (meaning certain goals are not met)…
I was told today that I (as well as my team), need to write emails detailing and committing to certain numbers. I told them that I would do my best, as the products or fees we need to focus on are either optional, overpriced, or frankly a scam. But “trying” wasn’t good enough. They wanted actual number predictions

I had asked “so…am I just supposed to predict what I’m going to do?”

“No you are committing to doing this much”

“But I can’t predict the future. Wouldn’t you rather me be honest and hit goals that make the customers happy?”

“Well we still need a percentage estimate on certain sale types so corporate gets off our back.”

I get that there’s only so much my boss can do, but it’s just so clear to men that every company out there is in it to only make money, not help people, despite what our commercials say. I know I’m not saying anything new either, I’m just needing a place to dump this.

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