
Jumping Ship

Sorry in advance for the rant but I'm pissed. A little background I recently left a job of six years due to them cutting benefits this year. I have an autoimmune disease and need benefits. So I interviewed for a local government job. It's a bit of a commute but in the interview they said I'd be working rotating 9s. So I'd have every other Friday off. It would be a hybrid position so I'd only need to commute twice a week. Also they sweared up and down the benefits were fantastic. It would give me a senior title as well. Seemed perfect so I took it left my old job and was all excited. Fast forward a month into it. Turns out they lied in both interviews it's not hybrid, it is for the managers favorite people though. I confronted him on this and was told since other people…

Sorry in advance for the rant but I'm pissed. A little background I recently left a job of six years due to them cutting benefits this year. I have an autoimmune disease and need benefits. So I interviewed for a local government job. It's a bit of a commute but in the interview they said I'd be working rotating 9s. So I'd have every other Friday off. It would be a hybrid position so I'd only need to commute twice a week. Also they sweared up and down the benefits were fantastic. It would give me a senior title as well.

Seemed perfect so I took it left my old job and was all excited. Fast forward a month into it. Turns out they lied in both interviews it's not hybrid, it is for the managers favorite people though. I confronted him on this and was told since other people are currently working from home they need the coverage here. I told him why did her offer that in both interviews only to be told he never said that. I'm not on rotating 9s also claimed he never offered that while others have that option. The insurance is horrible and refuses to cover my expensive life saving medication. They hired me to be able to move the two other members of my team into hire paying management positions. Leaving me untrained and the only person in this position.

On top of all that the person under me quit yesterday because she was tired of being bait and switched too. Today my boss comes to me and says alright you're now in charge of doing all her duties as well as your own. She was a business administrator for the department and I'm a system administrator. I have zero experience on business administrator work. I don't think my boss realizes that I have no skin in this job. Im not interested in working for a manager who is like oh you're new and untrained here do this other completely random job on top of your other work your still trying to learn.

I feel bait and switched and I'm not going to stick around. I've lined up interviews now for other jobs and I'm currently burning up the sick time I got, pto, and the comp time I've gathered then I'm bouncing with no notice. I have boundaries and doing two jobs for the same pay isn't something I'll do. Let alone doing a four hour commute five days a week without getting my $10,000 a month medication covered. I have have the right to have boundaries and if you're going to lie to get people to work for you I'm not interested in working for you.

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