
Got “laid off” because I was persistent about getting reimbursed for travel expenses

Started working for this company in June of this year. On July 3rd I had to take a COVID test for work and I got charged $105 for it when there was supposed to be no charge. I had to pay out of pocket because I was pressed for time. Messaged one of my 5 “managers”. She told me to submit the receipt for reimbursement. After submitting the receipt for reimbursement, 2 weeks later I receive an email from one of the other managers saying I did the reimbursement form wrong and need to re-do another way using a different set of instructions. So I follow the intrusions and re-submit. By this time, I had to stay in a hotel for 2 days because I was traveling for work. I’m allowed to get up to $60 per day for my food expense. I save the receipts. And I submit them…

Started working for this company in June of this year. On July 3rd I had to take a COVID test for work and I got charged $105 for it when there was supposed to be no charge. I had to pay out of pocket because I was pressed for time. Messaged one of my 5 “managers”. She told me to submit the receipt for reimbursement.

After submitting the receipt for reimbursement, 2 weeks later I receive an email from one of the other managers saying I did the reimbursement form wrong and need to re-do another way using a different set of instructions. So I follow the intrusions and re-submit.

By this time, I had to stay in a hotel for 2 days because I was traveling for work. I’m allowed to get up to $60 per day for my food expense. I save the receipts. And I submit them to get reimbursed.

I receive an email from another one of my 5 managers saying I did the previous one wrong and need to resubmit (even though I followed the instructions of the other manager). And this time, there’s a new set of instructions on how to submit all the receipts. And also this manager contradicted the other managers rules. So I follow the rules. And resubmit all the receipts at this time now totaling $190usd.

2 weeks later I get an email from some other person I’ve never even heard of saying I submitted the receipts wrong again and I need to do it another way. I was getting very frustrated by this point so I called this person and had her walk me through the steps of filling out the reimbursement form to prevent any errors. Great! Problem solved….so I thought.

By this point it was the end of August. I then had to buy a SIM card because I was out of the country for work and needed to be able to have contact with my managers. The SIM card cost $40. I now should be reimbursed $230.

Once again I get an email saying the expense report for reimbursement has been filled out incorrectly.

I take matters into my own hands and I just start lying about my hours to make up the difference. (But actually I had been claiming more hours anyways in the past because f@ck them).

So here it is mid October and I get another email just last week with them saying that they won’t reimburse me for the cost of the SIM card because they just don’t do that. And also that all the previous expense reports for reimbursement has yet again been filled out incorrectly.

I decide to email all of them within the same email and using screen shots of previous instructions from each manager and that lady whoever she was, and show them how they all are contradicting each other and they all are telling me something different. I asked them if they can communicate with each other and then provide me with proper instructions on reimbursement.

Yesterday morning I got an email and Saying my expense report has been approved (except for the SIM card).

Later that day I received an email saying I’ve been laid off with no explanation as to why. I requested an exit interview. It’s now scheduled with some other managers I’ve never even heard of. Emailed them and I told them no that I want all of the managers involved in this to be present. Haven’t heard back yet. But I really don’t even think I’m going to follow through because they suck so much and I’m actually relieved that I don’t have to deal with their incompetence anymore.

Also they booked the hotel under the wrong name once and I spent 9 hours sitting in the hotel lobby waiting for them to fix this. Many more examples of their stupidity but I’ll just leave it at this. But I am relieved because I didn’t enjoy the job but it did pay good so that’s why I kept at it. Now it’s done and over and I actually feel better.

(I do plan on prank calling them though at 2am when I have insomnia.)

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