
Caught my boss underpaying me which lead to me almost getting a write up

I started this job about a month ago working in the service industry. At the time, the manager made it seem like a great opportunity. He was gonna give me plenty of hours including overtime, and even give me a $1.50 raise from my old job. Fast forward to my first paycheck, I realized my pay was not adding up with the hours I worked and the tips weren’t all that great, even though I was told they’re consistent throughout the year. After confronting my boss I got told I should be written up for disrespecting my GM, so I checked my paystub and realized he lied about my pay in the interview. I was getting paid $1 an hr less than what was agreed upon. I confronted him again and he said it was his mistake yadda yadda… today I got paid after busting my ass the last two…

I started this job about a month ago working in the service industry. At the time, the manager made it seem like a great opportunity. He was gonna give me plenty of hours including overtime, and even give me a $1.50 raise from my old job.

Fast forward to my first paycheck, I realized my pay was not adding up with the hours I worked and the tips weren’t all that great, even though I was told they’re consistent throughout the year. After confronting my boss I got told I should be written up for disrespecting my GM, so I checked my paystub and realized he lied about my pay in the interview. I was getting paid $1 an hr less than what was agreed upon. I confronted him again and he said it was his mistake yadda yadda… today I got paid after busting my ass the last two weeks working overtime thinking he fixed the issue… he pulled me aside and told me it’d be fixed NEXT pay cycle and I should be grateful bcuz he gave me overtime which should “offset the error in pay”.

I got pulled aside w my other AM where my manager went off how disrespectful I am for asking for back pay for the error on my paystub. He even told me if we were on the street and I was “acting like this” he would’ve beat my ass. What can I even do? Report to corporate and have HR tell me tough luck? Can’t afford a lawyer, so r/antiwork should I just cut my losses and get a new job or is there some path for justice that won’t leave a brother struggling worse than before.

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