
Good managers exist!

I definitely identify with a lot of the sentiments in this community. But, as an American living in Sweden, I have to tell you guys, it's incredible the level of decency they treat me with here. I struggle with insomnia, depression, anxiety, PTSD, the whole 9. And I've been going through a pretty serious bout of insomnia the past week, along with some pretty awful family stuff. I was hesitant to discuss this with my manager, obviously fearing at worst reprisal or indifference at best. But I told him what was happening. He asked me if my work load was too high, from a point of concern. He asked me if I wanted reduce my hours in order to feel better, from a point of concern. He flat out told me, he wants to do whatever he can to make sure I'm supported and fit for work, but also just…

I definitely identify with a lot of the sentiments in this community. But, as an American living in Sweden, I have to tell you guys, it's incredible the level of decency they treat me with here.

I struggle with insomnia, depression, anxiety, PTSD, the whole 9. And I've been going through a pretty serious bout of insomnia the past week, along with some pretty awful family stuff. I was hesitant to discuss this with my manager, obviously fearing at worst reprisal or indifference at best.

But I told him what was happening. He asked me if my work load was too high, from a point of concern. He asked me if I wanted reduce my hours in order to feel better, from a point of concern. He flat out told me, he wants to do whatever he can to make sure I'm supported and fit for work, but also just feeling healthy in my personal life. I could go down to %50, if I wanted.

Now granted, this is still part of the capitalist hellscape. But it feels so nice to be treated like an actual human being, seen as an end for my own sake, rather than a means for someone or something else.

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