
What happens when you have a friendly relationship with your shift manager

For context, I live in Sweden. I work as a server/bartender and just like most jobs in the business our shift manager works on the floor with all the other workers. I am on good terms with this guy, we have a lot of similar opinions when it comes to politics, the bigger difference is his mixed market economy views, so he votes Social Democrat (Im trying to debate him the benefits of the socialist party in Sweden, but I have the feeling he is voting out of comfort). Today he texted me and asked me if I could come in for work on short notice. This is something I usually do, because I like my current job, I like my coworkers and I am aware that we are all in the same boat doing this and sometimes we need to help each other. However… Today I was just not…

For context, I live in Sweden. I work as a server/bartender and just like most jobs in the business our shift manager works on the floor with all the other workers.

I am on good terms with this guy, we have a lot of similar opinions when it comes to politics, the bigger difference is his mixed market economy views, so he votes Social Democrat (Im trying to debate him the benefits of the socialist party in Sweden, but I have the feeling he is voting out of comfort).

Today he texted me and asked me if I could come in for work on short notice. This is something I usually do, because I like my current job, I like my coworkers and I am aware that we are all in the same boat doing this and sometimes we need to help each other.

However… Today I was just not feeling it. Ive had the week of since monday and my plan was to spend as much time as possible just having fun in stupid ways. I have been playing Counter-Strike and talking shit to random strangers, something I havent done in maybe 15 years. I have also been sober this week (because I worry about my alcohol consumption), shooting the shits with my girlfriend.

Since its Friday, I had some plans. I wanted to buy some cannabis to get some relaxing time, decided that cocain can also be a nice addition because I rarely sit down with a gram of blow and just relax. I just get it at random parties I get invited too.

I told my boss that I really didnt want to work today. Family planns. (technically true because im gonna spend the night with my girlfriend).

This is all standard stuff of course. What makes my situation interesting is that since I was already downtown, I decided to go into work, sit down, say hello to my boss in the bar and then proceed to start ordering a meal. I sat there for about 3 hours enjoying my meal talking to some regulars at the place while small talking to my boss. After everything was said and done I said I needed to leave. I actually did have to leave, but as I was paying my tab I noticed my boss had removed a lot of the items I ordered. As I was paying for it I asked him about the missing stuff on the tab and he told me to not worry about it.

“Im just happy you are sending a message to the company by saying no and then showing up chilling!”

Friends, you can find the right environment of people to work with, you just have to keep informing them about the right way to treat capitalists!

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