
Just learned what others are making, wow am I underpaid

I am a staff attorney at a major nonprofit in the US. Part of my job involves compliance reporting on various political activities the organization is involved with. This means I need to calculate the amount the org has spent by using an hourly wage for the involved colleagues. Thus I now know the salary of many of my co-workers. I am one of the lowest paid staffers in the organization. I'm honestly shocked and hurt, I didn't realize I was valued so little. And I work tremendously hard. I also notice a pattern where people who have been at the org for longer than more recent hires earn considerably less. It's like we are losing money by staying put. For a progressive org that prides itself on fighting for social justice the hypocrisy leaves me feeling nauseated.

I am a staff attorney at a major nonprofit in the US. Part of my job involves compliance reporting on various political activities the organization is involved with. This means I need to calculate the amount the org has spent by using an hourly wage for the involved colleagues. Thus I now know the salary of many of my co-workers. I am one of the lowest paid staffers in the organization. I'm honestly shocked and hurt, I didn't realize I was valued so little. And I work tremendously hard. I also notice a pattern where people who have been at the org for longer than more recent hires earn considerably less. It's like we are losing money by staying put. For a progressive org that prides itself on fighting for social justice the hypocrisy leaves me feeling nauseated.

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