
Manager wants me to come in on day off to stand in lobby to find a guest that walked out on restaurant tab without pay

I work at a fine dining restaurant in a hotel, and guests are able to charge their restaurant bills to their rooms. To do so, they must fill out their room number & print their name. Last night I had a $207 ticket and the guest didn’t fill out those portions, so when I told the manager he said I can come in today(my day off) and stand in the lobby and try to find them and if I can’t they’re going to have to “document me”, whatever that means. This is the fourth time room service charges have been an issue for me since I started two weeks ago. First time when I was training, my trainer had a table put down a random name/room number and then left immediately. They didn’t even have a room at the hotel. The second time I had to chase the couple down…

I work at a fine dining restaurant in a hotel, and guests are able to charge their restaurant bills to their rooms. To do so, they must fill out their room number & print their name. Last night I had a $207 ticket and the guest didn’t fill out those portions, so when I told the manager he said I can come in today(my day off) and stand in the lobby and try to find them and if I can’t they’re going to have to “document me”, whatever that means. This is the fourth time room service charges have been an issue for me since I started two weeks ago. First time when I was training, my trainer had a table put down a random name/room number and then left immediately. They didn’t even have a room at the hotel. The second time I had to chase the couple down the hall and get them to finish filling it out. The third time I had a group of girls that just got up and went to their room. Luckily they had made a reservation so we had their info and were able to find their room. When I told my manager this is constantly causing issues, he said it wouldn’t if I would’ve finished closing the ticket the moment they signed it. Sure, let me neglect my other tables and drop everything I’m doing to run across the hotel to finalize the charge and hope they’re still at the table when I return. Any other ‘fine dining’ hotel/restaurant I’ve been to don’t allow this specifically because it’s easy to scam people and lie. We’re already a cashless restaurant, but apparently not having room charge be an option or at least getting a working phone number incase this happens is too much to ask. This place is the most unprofessional fine dining establishment I have ever worked at, for this reason and MULTIPLE others.

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