
I quit my job today after being told to train my replacement.

Started off my morning as usual, when I was unexpectedly called into my CEOs office. There I was informed that they will terminating me in 2 weeks and was given the, “It's not you, it's me” talk.(there are more details involved here but I am not sure what I can or cant post on a public forum regarding inner business workings, I will add that this was unexpected as I had been performing my job well and was not under any disciplinary action and had no prior issues). During this 2 weeks I would need to train my replacement who starts Monday. The CEO told me to not discuss anything with the new employee that had to do with the company culture or the terms in which I was being let go and to let them find out on their own. The CEO did state that they would prefer it…

Started off my morning as usual, when I was unexpectedly called into my CEOs office. There I was informed that they will terminating me in 2 weeks and was given the, “It's not you, it's me” talk.(there are more details involved here but I am not sure what I can or cant post on a public forum regarding inner business workings, I will add that this was unexpected as I had been performing my job well and was not under any disciplinary action and had no prior issues).

During this 2 weeks I would need to train my replacement who starts Monday. The CEO told me to not discuss anything with the new employee that had to do with the company culture or the terms in which I was being let go and to let them find out on their own. The CEO did state that they would prefer it if I'd make up my own story as to why I'm leaving the company, like I was moving on to bigger and better things etc.

Completely in shock and having a full on anxiety attack, I request that I be allowed to head home at this time to gather my thoughts and that I would return Monday to train the new employee. They agreed and off I went.

Once home, after vomiting my guts out due to high anxiety, I gathered my barings and decided that no, I would not be training anybody and that today would be my last day with the company. I drove back in to the office and handed in my company equipment/office keys. Despite the CEO asking me several times to reconsider and told me I was being stubborn for not staying, I left.

(Thanks for reading. Sorry for long poory written explanation. I am rubbish at putting my thoughts into words for situations like this. I just had to get all this out in hopes that it would help with my current levels of stress and anxiety)

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