
Worst Job You’ve Ever Worked?

For me, it was when I moved to Colorado in April 2018 for a job with a law-based county government office. That's also saying a lot, since I've worked retail, food, and shitty receptionist gigs. Not going to specify exactly what county it was, but they've had other scandals come out in their ranks. I was pulled aside two weeks into the new job by a coworker on their two week notice who wanted to “let me know what really went down on a daily basis here.” She had been cornered in a stairwell by a group of other girls in the office for rumors that she was “talking shit” about another coworker. Baseless accusations, and they specifically chose the stairwell since there were no cameras. We'd regularly come back to our cubicles with fucked up, passive aggressive notes from other admins. Coworkers took screenshots of comments I made on…

For me, it was when I moved to Colorado in April 2018 for a job with a law-based county government office. That's also saying a lot, since I've worked retail, food, and shitty receptionist gigs. Not going to specify exactly what county it was, but they've had other scandals come out in their ranks.

I was pulled aside two weeks into the new job by a coworker on their two week notice who wanted to “let me know what really went down on a daily basis here.”

She had been cornered in a stairwell by a group of other girls in the office for rumors that she was “talking shit” about another coworker. Baseless accusations, and they specifically chose the stairwell since there were no cameras.

We'd regularly come back to our cubicles with fucked up, passive aggressive notes from other admins.

Coworkers took screenshots of comments I made on a news article, trying to get me in trouble, when I asked an innocent question about an incident that had happened locally.

I got called into my manager's office because of how I worded something in an email, when I meant absolutely nothing by it and had zero attitude.

I was regularly ostracized and made to feel inferior for simply existing. No matter how hard I worked, how much I tried to prove myself. I got promoted because of my hard work and things only got worse for me.

I eventually restarted therapy because of this place. I finally was able to leave, tried to restart at another Government office and was treated even worse there. Had almost zero training and was let go 10 days before Christmas.

Moral of the story: don't work for the fucking government. If they're not the embodiment of high schoolers, they're straight up emotionless lizard people.

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