
I finally get it now

Hey all, sorry for the charged rant but I wanted to get this off my chest. I feel like I finally understand why people who are worked to death end up killing themselves. At my current job I truly feel like a slave. For “part time” I end up typically working more than full time every week, 6, 7, 8 days in a row 8-4 or 9-5, for the equivalent of about $14 USD an hour without benefits. I have no free time for anything anymore, no time for the doctor or dentist, or to do important outside of work things so I can attend college. Working all day every day sucks the life out of me and literally deprives me of the ability to do much of anything since things close too early in the day. Requesting time for days off aren't always granted. My manager is on their…

Hey all, sorry for the charged rant but I wanted to get this off my chest. I feel like I finally understand why people who are worked to death end up killing themselves. At my current job I truly feel like a slave. For “part time” I end up typically working more than full time every week, 6, 7, 8 days in a row 8-4 or 9-5, for the equivalent of about $14 USD an hour without benefits. I have no free time for anything anymore, no time for the doctor or dentist, or to do important outside of work things so I can attend college. Working all day every day sucks the life out of me and literally deprives me of the ability to do much of anything since things close too early in the day. Requesting time for days off aren't always granted. My manager is on their second vacation in two months. I am in a ton of pain but I have no time to address it. I'll probably have arthritis by my 30s from doing physical labour constantly. The free time I do have I barely get to spend doing anything fun or productive because I'm simply too tired or unmotivated to due to work. Last time I quit a job it took me over 6 months of actively searching to even get this one because nobody would accept my application. I feel trapped, I need the money and there is so much pressure from my home life to keep it despite how much I'm overworked. I don't think I'm the type who would hurt themselves but I understand why people do now, I feel like I'm being deprived of my humanity, and I'm being exploited. I wouldn't wish this kind of poor mental and physical health due to work on anyone.

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