
School admin wants me to join a Cell group saying that it’s a requirement. Time to quit after so many shit being added.

I just want to vent and maybe a bit of advice I guess. I work as a teacher in a Christian school under a Christian Evangelical church here in the Philippines. Before this whole cell group thing. I was the only teacher working in the whole school during the height of the pandemic 2020. I only had 5 students so it was okay, I made all the materials and basically did everything during the whole school year. 2021, they hired a new teacher that's a member of their church to accommodate the new students and the continuing students. I handled 12 out of those 20 total students. They also added a new curriculum that I'm not used to yet during the 2nd quarter. But it's okay, I was able to survive through it. This new school year. They hired a school admin that's an acting principal and hired a new…

I just want to vent and maybe a bit of advice I guess. I work as a teacher in a Christian school under a Christian Evangelical church here in the Philippines. Before this whole cell group thing. I was the only teacher working in the whole school during the height of the pandemic 2020. I only had 5 students so it was okay, I made all the materials and basically did everything during the whole school year. 2021, they hired a new teacher that's a member of their church to accommodate the new students and the continuing students. I handled 12 out of those 20 total students. They also added a new curriculum that I'm not used to yet during the 2nd quarter. But it's okay, I was able to survive through it.

This new school year. They hired a school admin that's an acting principal and hired a new teacher assistant for me since we're doing face to face classes now. New admin started adding daily devotions that I have to participate in, announced that we're gonna have an online meeting every Friday for “career enhancement” but basically bible study from 8pm-9 pm. Unpaid. And now I'm required to be in a cell group every Sunday.

I'm Catholic. I sing in a church choir. Admin said that if I had any concerns just tell her, I told her I have rehearsals and practicing for gigs besides singing in church plus me going back to finish my Masters degree.
She basically told me that it's in the afternoon/night anyway and it's only one hour of my time. Unpaid. There are other things besides this cell group thing that made me feel like I want to quit but maybe thought I'm just being too emotional about it and I feel like this is the last straw. I had to stop my Masters degree cause work was taking up too much of my time that I couldn't find the time to study or even do my paperwork cause I'm so tired and drained.

I'm only handling 15 kids out of the 32 total of students but they're a handful. I literally work from 7am to 4pm with a 30 minute lunch break. I sometimes get home at 6pm. I want to resign and not at the same time because I feel bad for the kids and leave in the middle of the school year. I really want to quit but at the same time don't want to yet I don't really want to stay for the rest of it.

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