
I lied in a job interview and got offered the position

A few weeks ago I interviewed for a position that requires some technical knowledge of statistical modeling. In the interview, they asked me if I had any modeling experience and I wanted to sound good so I said I was just finishing up a project that related closely to what they were looking for. In reality, it’s a project I always wanted to do, but my current company wouldn’t let me because they didn’t see the benefit. I explained the project as if I had done it (which in my head I knew exactly what steps I would take to complete it). Further, I went on to tell them I was wrapping up the project and presenting my findings to my supervisor soon. Completely untrue. The interviewers were very impressed and told me I was perfect for the position. I feel kinda shitty because I told a lie that potentially…

A few weeks ago I interviewed for a position that requires some technical knowledge of statistical modeling. In the interview, they asked me if I had any modeling experience and I wanted to sound good so I said I was just finishing up a project that related closely to what they were looking for. In reality, it’s a project I always wanted to do, but my current company wouldn’t let me because they didn’t see the benefit. I explained the project as if I had done it (which in my head I knew exactly what steps I would take to complete it). Further, I went on to tell them I was wrapping up the project and presenting my findings to my supervisor soon. Completely untrue.

The interviewers were very impressed and told me I was perfect for the position. I feel kinda shitty because I told a lie that potentially got me the job. But I also don’t feel that bad because interviewers set unrealistic expectations of applicants and pose questions that people are set up to exaggerate on or bend the truth. It’s also a position that no one could really have all the experience for, since the modeling software they use is internal and nothing you can have experience with without already being in the company.

I’m taking the offer and while I am confident I will do the job well, I can’t help but feel a little queasy that it could’ve been my lie that got me the offer. I had a lot of other real experiences that make me a great fit for the job, but I know my tall tale played a part in getting me the job. I certainly am going to keep my mouth shut.

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