
Forced to Come in When Food Poisoned by Own workplace

So as the titled suggests, I work in the fast food industry. At least used to. We get one free meal while on our breaks. Pretty much the only think we get while working there. Even the free meals aren’t much but the same thing over and over again. Well a couple days prior to quitting, I had gotten a meal there and was halfway through eating it when I noticed it was undercooked. I threw the rest away and told them. All they said was that I should have taken it to them before eating it. Then that night, I started getting sick. Throwing up, getting the shits. I was miserable as fuck. It kept going till the next day and I called out. And just a kept going till the day I quit. I was feeling like shit and forced to come in. I go in and I…

So as the titled suggests, I work in the fast food industry. At least used to. We get one free meal while on our breaks. Pretty much the only think we get while working there.

Even the free meals aren’t much but the same thing over and over again. Well a couple days prior to quitting, I had gotten a meal there and was halfway through eating it when I noticed it was undercooked. I threw the rest away and told them. All they said was that I should have taken it to them before eating it.

Then that night, I started getting sick. Throwing up, getting the shits. I was miserable as fuck. It kept going till the next day and I called out. And just a kept going till the day I quit. I was feeling like shit and forced to come in.

I go in and I can’t stop heading to the bathroom. The manager calls the store to talk to me and says that I’m faking it and I should notice from where I’m out, no matter what. I try telling her their food made me sick and she keeps backing up the store and telling me that it’s not their food and I’m lying and should have said something.

She tells me to pretty much buck up and work. I’m not allowed to leave and I’m not allowed to go anywhere. I was sick a fuck and getting pissed at her. So I tell her straight up that it seems like she doesn’t give a fuck about anyone but herself and had no consideration for anyone’s well being. I say I quit, clock out and leave. She even tried texting a half assed apology then blames me that they are going ti be shorthanded like I give a shit.

This is the same manager that says that I have to walk to work. I’m not allowed to ask anyone for rides at all. I need to fix my schedule for her store. She was also making someone work that had major back issues and even said they needed to go to the hospital. She still made them come in.

Same manager that complains that everyone is only there for the money and doesn’t care about the store. That she’s always disappointed. She picks favorites as well. Gave a manager position to two people that are abusing the power. Shorthands her least favorite managers and over staffs her favorites so they don’t have to do anything.

Edit: more things she has done: Picked on me for little things in dress code even though others do it. So wearing a necklace under the shirt was not ok for me but ok for others. A chain wallet not ok for me but ok with others. Phones: managers and some crew would sit and text. Managers watched tiktok and didn’t get in trouble. I pull mine out to check the time and a pic of me is taken from security cameras and sent to group chat to humiliate me in front of everyone. Rides: was getting rides and my ride was late. Let the group know I was going to be late and she scolds me in the group chat and tells me she hired me to walk to work, not get rides. I need to change my schedule to get to work without rides. Which is hard for me because it’s always hot out and I have bad asthma.
Fires people for putting in two weeks notice because she’s having a hissy fit over losing workers.

It was getting so bad that my mental health was declining horribly. I’m glad that I quit and I don’t regret it at all.

I’m planning on reporting her to HR about her selfish and manipulative behavior.

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