
My job scheduled me for the days I explicitly stated I couldn’t work. They changed it, but they told me that I have to find my own shifts until the new schedule is made.

Due to a change in my college schedule, I went and talked to my manager about changing my availability. I filled out the needed paperwork and this was two weeks before the schedule was made. Well I got a call from a co-worker who said that I was not showing up for shifts and they wanted to fire me. I checked the schedule and lo and behold I was scheduled for ALL the days I said I couldn’t work and NONE of the days I could! I talked to the new store manager and he blamed me and said I must have not filled out the paperwork on time or at all. I can’t find or get ahold of the manager I talked to about it and gave the paperwork to. The store manager took me off the schedule for those days, but told me that I would be responsible…

Due to a change in my college schedule, I went and talked to my manager about changing my availability. I filled out the needed paperwork and this was two weeks before the schedule was made. Well I got a call from a co-worker who said that I was not showing up for shifts and they wanted to fire me. I checked the schedule and lo and behold I was scheduled for ALL the days I said I couldn’t work and NONE of the days I could!
I talked to the new store manager and he blamed me and said I must have not filled out the paperwork on time or at all. I can’t find or get ahold of the manager I talked to about it and gave the paperwork to.
The store manager took me off the schedule for those days, but told me that I would be responsible for finding my own shifts now.
Now I have a whole month without work unless someone needs a shift covered when I’m available. I’m so mad

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