
Boss Won’t Fix the Bathroom Fan

Pretty obvious thread, but yeah my boss hasn't fixed the bathroom fan in over 2 years. We just have one 5 by 5 foot bathroom, and it's also open to customer use, so I barely use it because walking in there is basically like having nasal sex with the person who used it last. It's disgusting and inhumane to force us to poop in a steaming cloud of some drug addict's excrement. I asked and they made it seem unlikely to be fixed. Is there some sort of OSHA guideline or Geneva convention this violates? How do I force their hand on this?

Pretty obvious thread, but yeah my boss hasn't fixed the bathroom fan in over 2 years. We just have one 5 by 5 foot bathroom, and it's also open to customer use, so I barely use it because walking in there is basically like having nasal sex with the person who used it last. It's disgusting and inhumane to force us to poop in a steaming cloud of some drug addict's excrement. I asked and they made it seem unlikely to be fixed. Is there some sort of OSHA guideline or Geneva convention this violates? How do I force their hand on this?

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