
Change of “good business person” nomenclature to Ethical/Unethical business person

We should no longer refer to wealthy people, due to their “prosperity” from their business, as good businessmen or women (people). Instead, we should refer to them as ETHICAL BUSINESS PERSONS for those who have gained success while helping their employees live a prosperous life (livable wages, benefits, etc. ). In sharp relief to UNETHICAL BUSINESS PERSONS who have become grossly wealthy at their employees expense (e.g. Walmart, Amazon).

We should no longer refer to wealthy people, due to their “prosperity” from their business, as good businessmen or women (people).

Instead, we should refer to them as ETHICAL BUSINESS PERSONS for those who have gained success while helping their employees live a prosperous life (livable wages, benefits, etc. ).

In sharp relief to UNETHICAL BUSINESS PERSONS who have become grossly wealthy at their employees expense (e.g. Walmart, Amazon).

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