

I thought that I was on the road to not doing too much work and being able to live comfortably. A few months ago my mom and I finally opened our self serve pet wash. My dad invested so much money in to it I’m almost embarrassed to say how much it was exactly. We had a few months of free rent but were faced with contractors that took all that time up and when we did get our rent we’re looking at $3100 a month and now I just saw a bill for franchise tax at $1100. So basically I thought we would be able to just sit back and let the money roll in after having spent the whole summer setting the place up but now later today im starting my second job to help bring money in Not how I was hoping for any of this to…

I thought that I was on the road to not doing too much work and being able to live comfortably. A few months ago my mom and I finally opened our self serve pet wash. My dad invested so much money in to it I’m almost embarrassed to say how much it was exactly. We had a few months of free rent but were faced with contractors that took all that time up and when we did get our rent we’re looking at $3100 a month and now I just saw a bill for franchise tax at $1100. So basically I thought we would be able to just sit back and let the money roll in after having spent the whole summer setting the place up but now later today im starting my second job to help bring money in Not how I was hoping for any of this to go, my mom didn’t want me to get the second job but I finally convinced her since her plan was to just keep going off of loans so yeah just a rant I guess I hope it’s not against the community rules. Soon I will go back to just trying to work and survive I was really hoping to be a slightly above middle class business man

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