
I’m a leader at an MLM.

I'm a “leader” at this mlm and I took the job out of desperation because I've been out of work for almost a month. I've been here for about 3 months now. I'm working 50+ hours a week. Yesterday I interviewed someone with a decent job and I just couldn't get through my script. It's a good job for newbs out of college or high school, but I would give anything to work 40 hours a week and not have to deal with the bullshit I go through. She was so excited to be going for a second round interview. She was willing to uproot her life, drive hundreds of miles, give away her cushiony job to work here because the executive lied to her about the job description, the pay, the title. She's the first person I was honest with, though I still remained professional. I was given one…

I'm a “leader” at this mlm and I took the job out of desperation because I've been out of work for almost a month. I've been here for about 3 months now. I'm working 50+ hours a week. Yesterday I interviewed someone with a decent job and I just couldn't get through my script. It's a good job for newbs out of college or high school, but I would give anything to work 40 hours a week and not have to deal with the bullshit I go through. She was so excited to be going for a second round interview. She was willing to uproot her life, drive hundreds of miles, give away her cushiony job to work here because the executive lied to her about the job description, the pay, the title. She's the first person I was honest with, though I still remained professional. I was given one person to develop and once I have secured another job, I'll tell her about the game. Hopefully she sees through the bs and takes my advice.

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