
No schedule, no breaks

Okay so, I just started work as a “Manager” at a beach store. I got roped into it by my father in law as it’s a store he helped open and a good friend of his that owns it. Now, it’s not that awful, decent pay and decent hours. The thing is, the guy has 1 employee, ME. Otherwise it’s him, his wife or one of his two teenage age kids that are working between two stores he owns. I never have a schedule, I don’t get any breaks which I won’t complain about too much but it does get annoying sometimes. My thing is, I was supposed to have a set schedule after the first month of working there. He hasn’t even attempted to hire anybody else, I’m starting to get fed up. I show up not knowing when I’m going to be off, don’t know if I’m working…

Okay so, I just started work as a “Manager” at a beach store. I got roped into it by my father in law as it’s a store he helped open and a good friend of his that owns it. Now, it’s not that awful, decent pay and decent hours.

The thing is, the guy has 1 employee, ME. Otherwise it’s him, his wife or one of his two teenage age kids that are working between two stores he owns. I never have a schedule, I don’t get any breaks which I won’t complain about too much but it does get annoying sometimes. My thing is, I was supposed to have a set schedule after the first month of working there. He hasn’t even attempted to hire anybody else, I’m starting to get fed up. I show up not knowing when I’m going to be off, don’t know if I’m working or not the next day unless I myself text him the night before. Will show up expecting to be off at 4 and then get asked at 3:30 if I can stay till 7. I decided to stop texting to ask if I’m supposed to work, because you would think the BOSS would tell you when you’re working. Not just assume I’m going to show up every single day. This morning I got a text asking if I wanted one of the kids to switch with me in a couple hours, I’m home in bed because nobody told me I was supposed to work. I guess my question here is, how can I explain in a non aggressive way that I’m over never knowing when I’m working?

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