
Work wants me to work across 18 hours in one day.

So I'm a video producer. I have my own business and also have a 9 to 5 job doing video work for an agriculture-related company where I create their social content and corporate videos. Next month they're holding a special event on a Saturday that they want filmed starting at 6:30am and going right through until late into the evening. I was never asked if I was willing to give up my Saturday and they've just basically said I don't have a choice. For context, I live in a regional city in Australia and jobs that specialise in what I do are few and far between so going elsewhere isn't an option. I'm on a standard salary for working Monday to Friday, 7.5 hours per day. They are only offering time in lieu for working on a Saturday. I've explained that I'm concerned about burning out throughout the day if…

So I'm a video producer. I have my own business and also have a 9 to 5 job doing video work for an agriculture-related company where I create their social content and corporate videos.

Next month they're holding a special event on a Saturday that they want filmed starting at 6:30am and going right through until late into the evening. I was never asked if I was willing to give up my Saturday and they've just basically said I don't have a choice. For context, I live in a regional city in Australia and jobs that specialise in what I do are few and far between so going elsewhere isn't an option.
I'm on a standard salary for working Monday to Friday, 7.5 hours per day. They are only offering time in lieu for working on a Saturday. I've explained that I'm concerned about burning out throughout the day if it's meant to go for 18 hours and would like to have someone on as backup so I'm not doing the whole thing straight through. It's meant to be a huge day with lots of things happening at once so having more than one camera filming is going to be the best option.

They've said that they have no money to hire a videographer and said I could find someone else at the office to help with filming. I explained that the company only has one camera and they would be welcome to hire additional cameras from my business. They repeated that they have no money and it would be a conflict of interest. So basically I can take the wear and tear on my own gear without payment if I want someone to help me, or I can suck it up and work for 18 hours straight with just the office camera.

What would be the best way to respond to this?

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