Sorry if this seems a bit ranty. I'm not in the best of moods.
I had an interview with a local BBQ place, and they told me I would be receiving the asked amount after my training period. I wasn't trained very well, it was all in a rush. Not that I needed it that much, I have 18 years of experience in food service, 9 of which were as a cashier and server/expo.
I had interviewed, and asked for $12/hr, and was assured after my training days I would be receiving at least that much because it's a tipped position. They failed to explain that the tipping pool was delayed by almost a month. They also failed to explain that my pay rate would be $11/hr, and not the aforementioned $12/hr except during the days I was training. Now, I was willing to overlook this, but I had to say that if I don't make my bills, it won't matter. I'll have to move out of the city and with a friend. Then I wouldn't be able to work for them anymore. He was rude, told me it's not his problem. Not that I was trying to make it his problem. However, his uncouth response sent me off the rails. I'm already under enough stress, why not rub it in a little? Then as I'm walking out to leave. I say, “I'm worth more than $11/hr.” To which he replied, “don't let the door hit you.”
Am I overreacting? I don't deal with uncouth, rude, loudmouthed jerks all too well. However, if that's how he treats a struggling employee who is giving it his all despite being in chronic excruciating pain. I don't really want to work for him anyway. He knew full well I was coming into work, and all with symptoms from my heart disease. That I was in pain, and taking OTC medication for it. Yet, he was an unempathetic jerk all the same.