I will very shortly relate my experience with work and then please tell me if you can realte, i really want to know how common this actually is and how do you feel about it.
I am not supporting the current work fields in their majority, it is unfair for the average worker and it is obvious. That being said I dont really intend to work my ass off at any job I will have unless it is necesarry for some extreme reason I cannot avoid. Right now I am pretty young with no big responsabilities so I am not in a position to do so, and I really do not.
That is my actual point, there are weeks where i basically dont do any work at all, i avoid it at any cost and I delay it as much. There are weeks in which I cant do that, for example I will have to do it this week, and unfortunately I will do it, i cant lose my job.
My question is, do you guys also do this? I feel a bit guilty that I do this when my co workers and friends really do work and also a bit scared cause I might remain behind. But at the same time, I really feel like giving more than the bare minimum would be a mistake, and not working when I have to its the minimum.
Do you guys also have jobs like this? How do you feel about it?