
How many people here are actually antiwork?

Raising wages, sick and maternity leave, conditions of work, less hours and days? Great, all for a harm reduction. But this is NOT the endgoal, Swedish or Norwegian capitalists just because they treat their slaves a bit better are not something people should settle for- the endgoal is to break the system, that causes a struggle, createts inequality and exploits the working class, abolish capitalism, private property, markets, currency and introduce a worker-owned means of production. I, like everybody else have a dignity and it's the government's duty to provide me a dignified life regardless of whether I'm working or not. Nobody should be forced to work just to survive, that's slavery and frankly it shows how low the bar is settled, that people can be satisfied for something so small as a couple of days leave more. I'm aware that this is a far perpsective, but in order to…

Raising wages, sick and maternity leave, conditions of work, less hours and days? Great, all for a harm reduction. But this is NOT the endgoal, Swedish or Norwegian capitalists just because they treat their slaves a bit better are not something people should settle for- the endgoal is to break the system, that causes a struggle, createts inequality and exploits the working class, abolish capitalism, private property, markets, currency and introduce a worker-owned means of production.

I, like everybody else have a dignity and it's the government's duty to provide me a dignified life regardless of whether I'm working or not. Nobody should be forced to work just to survive, that's slavery and frankly it shows how low the bar is settled, that people can be satisfied for something so small as a couple of days leave more. I'm aware that this is a far perpsective, but in order to ever achieve it people must believe in it in the first place, I only hope that ''antiwork'' is not a smoke screen for a system, that will upheld an exploitation.

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