
Jobs that limit their insurance coverage based on their religious beliefs can get bent.

I was just reminded by a friend that since I don't work for a religious university any more I can actually talk to a doctor and not be limited in treatment by their sky daddy. This place literally made female employees have to give written statements to get birth control saying that it wasn't for sex. What really sucked was the onsite doc they had was literally the best family doc I and my wife have ever had and he did everything he could to help us out. He was more than willing to refer me to offsite specialists for a vasectomy but told me straight up that the Uni's insurance would not pay for it. The same insurance that I paid $250 each pay period for. So glad I'm out of that hell hole for multiple reasons, but this seriously should not be a thing.

I was just reminded by a friend that since I don't work for a religious university any more I can actually talk to a doctor and not be limited in treatment by their sky daddy.

This place literally made female employees have to give written statements to get birth control saying that it wasn't for sex.

What really sucked was the onsite doc they had was literally the best family doc I and my wife have ever had and he did everything he could to help us out. He was more than willing to refer me to offsite specialists for a vasectomy but told me straight up that the Uni's insurance would not pay for it.

The same insurance that I paid $250 each pay period for.

So glad I'm out of that hell hole for multiple reasons, but this seriously should not be a thing.

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