
My former employer is salty

My formal boss is salty that I left and that I'm now taking him to the labour board for unpaid OT and unpaid holiday pay, he is now threatening me with legal action under bullshit charges. Here's the thing. He has absolutely no fucking case. He's using scare tactics to scare me off, but it's only making me angrier and if push came to shove, I will air out all of his dirty laundry in front of God and everybody (countless OHSA violations, complete disregard for employee concerns and safety, and constantly shorting his employees on their wages, that's only a few of his sins) And get him shut tf down. And the point with the labour board, two other former employees had already took their case to labour board and won each their cases respectfully, while I worked way longer then each of them combined, so my reasoning was…

My formal boss is salty that I left and that I'm now taking him to the labour board for unpaid OT and unpaid holiday pay, he is now threatening me with legal action under bullshit charges.

Here's the thing. He has absolutely no fucking case. He's using scare tactics to scare me off, but it's only making me angrier and if push came to shove, I will air out all of his dirty laundry in front of God and everybody (countless OHSA violations, complete disregard for employee concerns and safety, and constantly shorting his employees on their wages, that's only a few of his sins)
And get him shut tf down.

And the point with the labour board, two other former employees had already took their case to labour board and won each their cases respectfully, while I worked way longer then each of them combined, so my reasoning was 'if they were owed however much money, exactly how much had he been fucking me over?' So I went.

You don't get to go after me under bullshit charges and if you even attempt, I will turn around and go for the fucking throat.

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