
Coworker quit, boss begs them back just to fire them.

I just have to share this, I can't even wrap my head around it and I haven't seen anything similar online. My current job is an awful toxic environment and I have been planning my leave for the last month. I have this coworker, let's call her Jen, who is a very crucial team member and is in a supervisor role. Well, last week she had enough and walked out and quit then and there. Management begged her not to, told her to take the next day off and think about it. She did, and the following day she chose to return to work. Well, when she got there, they fired her. Have you ever heard of something like this? Begging an employee to come back just so you can fire them? What is the point, to have the last laugh? And to add to it, she was with this…

I just have to share this, I can't even wrap my head around it and I haven't seen anything similar online. My current job is an awful toxic environment and I have been planning my leave for the last month. I have this coworker, let's call her Jen, who is a very crucial team member and is in a supervisor role. Well, last week she had enough and walked out and quit then and there. Management begged her not to, told her to take the next day off and think about it. She did, and the following day she chose to return to work. Well, when she got there, they fired her. Have you ever heard of something like this? Begging an employee to come back just so you can fire them? What is the point, to have the last laugh? And to add to it, she was with this company for years and personally, I was always impressed by her reliability and work ethic. Anyway, I just have to share this, and it further confirms my wanting to quit asap. It actually makes me want to walk out right now myself lol

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