
I’m super mad right now

I'm an insurance agent. A week ago another agent claimed one of the policies I bound and sold as his to get credit for and technically it was but the only reason I bound it in my name was because it was outside the usual window of protection and the circumstances that extended that window were not properly documented. But my TL still tossed me to the wolves and gave the other agent roughly 2k in sales that I earned. Now I get an email this morning saying the guy I sold it to didn't sign the paperwork properly. As far as I'm concerned, not my policy, not my problem, but now I get to waste my time running this guy down for signatures he was supposed to give me two weeks ago instead of selling policies I actually get credit for.

I'm an insurance agent. A week ago another agent claimed one of the policies I bound and sold as his to get credit for and technically it was but the only reason I bound it in my name was because it was outside the usual window of protection and the circumstances that extended that window were not properly documented. But my TL still tossed me to the wolves and gave the other agent roughly 2k in sales that I earned. Now I get an email this morning saying the guy I sold it to didn't sign the paperwork properly.

As far as I'm concerned, not my policy, not my problem, but now I get to waste my time running this guy down for signatures he was supposed to give me two weeks ago instead of selling policies I actually get credit for.

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