
Today the owner of the company I work for asked me if I was afraid of him

Sorry, this is a long post. Can't really sum up a TLDR. He's owned the company for about 15 years (although he's worked here for 35), given to him by his mommy (and I do mean GIVEN). I've worked here for 25 years. He can't do without me because of my knowledge base. He loves to lecture (on and on and on, beating a dead horse on one subject for WEEKS) when anyone makes even a minor mistake, and even when the mistake is his (more often than not), he blames every one else around him for “not catching it”, instead of just owning his own error and moving on. He's constantly trying to find ways to offload his own work onto the employees, because he feels as owner he should be working less hours than his employees (not the way I was raised to believe, but whatever). He get's…

Sorry, this is a long post. Can't really sum up a TLDR.

He's owned the company for about 15 years (although he's worked here for 35), given to him by his mommy (and I do mean GIVEN). I've worked here for 25 years. He can't do without me because of my knowledge base. He loves to lecture (on and on and on, beating a dead horse on one subject for WEEKS) when anyone makes even a minor mistake, and even when the mistake is his (more often than not), he blames every one else around him for “not catching it”, instead of just owning his own error and moving on. He's constantly trying to find ways to offload his own work onto the employees, because he feels as owner he should be working less hours than his employees (not the way I was raised to believe, but whatever). He get's off on reminding everyone around him (especially me) that HE owns the company and that HE is “the boss”. And that is how he behaves, like a “boss”, not a leader.

He claims that he “lets a lot of things slide”, and chooses to only say something after it has “built up”, and yet it sure seems as if he's always pissed off and worked up about something. Nobody can ever do enough, or do it right enough, to please him. I can count the compliments I've received from him on one hand, but the times he's been angry with me and I received a lecture?… Like grains in the sand.

He micromanages to the point of being counter-productive.

He complains about everything.

His employees work there asses off (me included), and yet he still installed cameras in the work area to monitor them and make sure they're all working as hard as he expects.

He thrives on conflict. Get's off on it, I think. Especially if it puts him in a position of superiority over another.

He's arrogant as fuck, even though he's done nothing with his life except earn a few sports trophies. Oh, yeah, and being given a company by his mommy.

He's always had these weird emotional reactions to things, lots of overreacting. Temper tantrums and anger issues when someone disagrees with him, or something doesn't go his way. If he feels that someone is not complying with his wishes, or not doing exactly what he wants, he will literally pummel them into submission with his berating and lectures – very much a verbal bully, very much mental, emotional, and verbal abuse. This applies to both work and personal life.

He can go weeks where he's super nice, gives out moderate bonuses or other gifts. But then when he's on one of his tirades he will make sure to bring up again and again how he was so nice that one time, or how generous he was. He won't ever let you forget it. EVER.

He almost seems bipolar the way these “episodes” of his seem to be timed along with the seasons. Really bizarre. My wife always says he's on his MAN-stration cycle.

He over works all his employees, and get's bitter and upset when they take time off. Although, he has no problem whatsoever taking off as much time as he wants. something to the tune of more than 30 days this year alone, while the rest of us are working 10+ hours a day. I've been permitted only 5 days off.

He's literally the worst person with the worse personality to ever own a business.

Recently I was told by him that if I left the company he'd go out of business. Now, I make pretty decent money for the field I'm in, but I sure as hell don't make close to what he pays himself. How is this even logical? If I leave, his company he's fucked, as is his family (his words). Yet he pays me substantially less than what he pays himself (salary + bonuses + company cars for him and his wife + free use of the company credit card for EVERYTHING, etc., etc., etc.). You'd think he'd voluntarily be more generous with the guy that keeps him in the $$$, right?! NOPE.

I've been putting up with his crap for years and years because for me to change jobs to what I'd like to do, to what I have my college degree in, would have required me relocating closer into the city, which means I would have to give up my ranch and my horses. That, and the soul sucking pit of despair that this jackass has turned this company into has damned near crushed my confidence in the work force.

But covid changed much of that, and now there's tons of opportunities to work in tech remotely, which means I should be able to find a job AND keep my ranch.

He hates that I no longer react to his nonsense, that I stay stoic and keep a straight face. Just stare at him as he talks. And talks. And talks. And talks.

Today he told me (during what I'm hoping is the last lecture of a 7 day long temper tantrum) that “you're not really saying much, and I can't read your expression at all, so I don't know what you're thinking. Are you afraid of me?” Wut. Who the fuck actually says something like that? Well, besides this jackass I mean. I was looking at him and thinking in my head “dude, I'm literally younger than you, in better shape than you, stronger than you, have black belts in two different martial arts AND train aggressively even still today. I could obliterate your ragged old ass in seconds.”

But all I actually said is “Not in the least.”

I prefer peace and harmony in my heart to constant conflict.

Which is what leads me to my decision, a decision that I'd already made a few weeks ago. My wife starts a new job in a few months, one that will tide us by until I can get a new job. I'm giving this jackass notice after the first of the year. If he goes out of business that's his problem.

Fuck him.

Sorry for the long post.

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