
Got offered a job, was told they had to create the new position for payroll, then got a call that I don’t have the job anymore

So basically I went in for an interview with this company. The interview with the hiring manager went great and I was recommended by his assistant to apply so that helped as well. Got a call two days later (Friday) that I got the job but they had to create a position for payroll for it so they would call me next week for when I needed to go do my drug test. Got a call on Tuesday that “even though the hiring manager was head over heels to hire me, someone else in the company applied after they offered me the job so they HAVE to give it to that person”. Look I’m all for giving opportunities within the company (I prefer it actually) but how about don’t offer a job to someone to just turn around and pull this crap. I’m just thankful I didn’t put my two…

So basically I went in for an interview with this company. The interview with the hiring manager went great and I was recommended by his assistant to apply so that helped as well. Got a call two days later (Friday) that I got the job but they had to create a position for payroll for it so they would call me next week for when I needed to go do my drug test. Got a call on Tuesday that “even though the hiring manager was head over heels to hire me, someone else in the company applied after they offered me the job so they HAVE to give it to that person”.

Look I’m all for giving opportunities within the company (I prefer it actually) but how about don’t offer a job to someone to just turn around and pull this crap. I’m just thankful I didn’t put my two weeks in and soil the atmosphere at my current job.

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