
One of the reasons I’m antiwork: people often have mental encyclopedias of manipulation tactics. Our offices are like sick social psychology labs.

These eye-rolling behaviors include: Guilt tripping (example: I’m going to make you feel like you don’t deserve xyz, so you feel like you have to prove yourself) Either / or (Example: either you go along with what we say or we will isolate you) Self-promoting to absurdity (Example: we need to be impressive and no we’re not going to have any authentic processes) Gaslighting (Example: I’m going to blame the most vulnerable person here for being naive enough to be so trusting) Scheming (Example: I’m going to try to get that promotion or raise and not actually address the issues I’m seeing) So I guess people just let the problems at work go unaddressed until a new hire has to deal with the massive #@&storm.

These eye-rolling behaviors include:

Guilt tripping

(example: I’m going to make you feel like you don’t deserve xyz, so you feel like you have to prove yourself)

Either / or

(Example: either you go along with what we say or we will isolate you)

Self-promoting to absurdity

(Example: we need to be impressive and no we’re not going to have any authentic processes)


(Example: I’m going to blame the most vulnerable person here for being naive enough to be so trusting)


(Example: I’m going to try to get that promotion or raise and not actually address the issues I’m seeing)

So I guess people just let the problems at work go unaddressed until a new hire has to deal with the massive #@&storm.

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