
On Monday I learned, never take initiative again…. don’t make the same mistake I did

I was given a task to do, mind numbingly simple, I was fairly content but then I noticed how unorganized it was. While I was still doing the original task I was making life easier by organizing and cleaning as I went along, all was ok in the world. A few times while I was working my supervisor walked past saying things I couldn’t have heard and kept walking before I could ask anything, I always had to repeat myself if I said anything when my supervisor walked by so I’m not sure how she thought I could hear her. Apparently at some point she just had enough of me and kicked me out of the building and made me go home… I completed the original task and was improving the system but I have since learned that initiative is bad, I guess. My supervisor also thinks I’m lazy and…

I was given a task to do, mind numbingly simple, I was fairly content but then I noticed how unorganized it was. While I was still doing the original task I was making life easier by organizing and cleaning as I went along, all was ok in the world. A few times while I was working my supervisor walked past saying things I couldn’t have heard and kept walking before I could ask anything, I always had to repeat myself if I said anything when my supervisor walked by so I’m not sure how she thought I could hear her. Apparently at some point she just had enough of me and kicked me out of the building and made me go home… I completed the original task and was improving the system but I have since learned that initiative is bad, I guess. My supervisor also thinks I’m lazy and hang out in the break room a lot, which I don’t, I only go there to get a sip of water which I’m not allowed to keep with me all the time, or because I need to use the bathroom because how dare I not be able to break the laws of nature and control my period… I don’t know if she’s rubbing off on others or if she’s talking about me behind my back but I feel generally unwelcome at work now, I try my absolute best every single day but it would seem I’m not enough. The icing on top of it all is that I get told this info by my mom because apparently my supervisor can’t talk to me directly.. I also have some mental issues along with ASD so the fact I’m being treated like this feels a lot worse.

I like my job but I’m not sure what to do really

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