
I walked out of my job today – good luck functioning with only 3 full time employees, assholes!

Until today, I worked at a very large, notoriously awful grocery store chain doing order pickup. The actual work was fine, but store management and the customers made the job an absolute nightmare. In spite of the terrible working conditions and pay, I still worked my ass off. I was the most accurate pickup employee in the entire store – not only that, but I was in the top 100 most accurate employees in my ENTIRE state. I consistently came in early, left late, and got called in on my days off. About a month in, I was covering for leads and running the department when our disaster department head was gone. 16 hour days weren’t uncommon. Averaged 15k-20k steps each shift. Meanwhile, I can’t even afford my rent. I had to work 1.5 months to afford 1 month of rent. The only reason I was working so hard is…

Until today, I worked at a very large, notoriously awful grocery store chain doing order pickup.

The actual work was fine, but store management and the customers made the job an absolute nightmare.

In spite of the terrible working conditions and pay, I still worked my ass off. I was the most accurate pickup employee in the entire store – not only that, but I was in the top 100 most accurate employees in my ENTIRE state. I consistently came in early, left late, and got called in on my days off. About a month in, I was covering for leads and running the department when our disaster department head was gone.

16 hour days weren’t uncommon. Averaged 15k-20k steps each shift.

Meanwhile, I can’t even afford my rent. I had to work 1.5 months to afford 1 month of rent. The only reason I was working so hard is because I needed the overtime and I was supposed to be promoted.

Fast forward to about a week ago, and they start getting waffly about my promotion. It wasn’t anything to do with my performance (minus the bullshit about how I am ~5 seconds slower than some employees because I actually look for shit – district manager confirmed it’s not a problem). It felt entirely personal. Maybe it’s because I’ve been complaining about our team not getting breaks or lunches (illegal). Maybe it’s because I’m quiet and pretty direct (neurodivergent).

Whatever it was, I was ready to quit. So I went up to the store manager and had a chat. I told her that I’ve earned a promotion and can’t continue to work for $16/hr. All of my direct supervisors and most of the middle management agreed that I’ve earned it too – it’s not just me talking out of my ass. It wasn’t meant to be mean or anything; I just wanted to be honest and let her know that they can either promote me or lose me.

She didn’t take it well. Didn’t acknowledge my hard work or thank me for saving their ass on countless occasions. Just said that I was being “disrespectful” and that leadership is earned – but wouldn’t explain how I haven’t already earned it. She straight up didn’t care that I can’t afford basic living expenses and told me that’s my problem.

I was going to quit right there, but a few other employees talked me out of it.

Today everything came to a head. I went to work and subsequently threw up in the bathroom. Since we handle food, I can’t continue working.

No one cared that I was sick; the disaster department head just sends me up to talk to the store manager. Instead of asking if I’m ok, she starts bitching about my bad attitude and my attendance (called out literally one time last week). I tell her that I wouldn’t have a bad attitude if I was appreciated and could afford to eat. Once again, she says that’s not her problem.

I’m not saying much because I feel like shit. She just goes on and on about how disrespectful I am and how she’d never promote someone like me. So I stopped her right there and quit.

It felt amazing. I instantly felt a weight lift off my shoulders. They would never value me as a person, so why bother?

Now, they are down to 3 reliable, full time employees for a department that should have at least 6-8. Especially since our store’s pickup department is on a super critical list – the metrics are so bad that management will be fired if nothing improves.

It’s only going to get worse for them now that I’m gone. Those 3 people can’t possibly cover the entire week without gaps. No one wants to work for the shit pay, so it’ll be at LEAST a few weeks before they’ll find some poor sucker to replace me.

Point is, they are fucked and I’m happier than I’ve been in weeks. It’s been a few hours and I already have a new job that pays better – the retail & service industries are desperate for staff.

If you are in a similar situation, remember that retail establishments need you wayyyyyyy more than you need them. Don’t let abusive management get away with underpaying you and treating you like garbage!

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